Afrique 3
I still wanted to do something with some of the ideas of the aborted performance in the Musée. I also wanted to see if something can be done on a very short term. So I made the appointment to present a performance in the Kadjinol Station (another Off-Biennial venue) three days later. I wrote a flyer, made the lay-out, brought it to the printer and distributed 3000 flyers all over Dakar to attract not more then 15 people to witness a visually strong and poetically narrated piece. I had planned to perform outside with daylight. I had to give up that plan because the host came almost 2 hours late (!) and then the darkness became even darker with one of those famous electricity cuts... So inside, lighted by candlelight, I started with five long nails hanging from white woolen threads bound on the fingers of my left hand. Once more I drew the trademark-like contours of Africa, using my right hand and foot to glue a transparent tape on the floor. Lighting the threads with a match I dropped the nails above the 5 main areas of distraught in Africa of recent times. I then bent over throwing a few hundred coins over my head. I ended the action with removing the tape and the nails, leaving the coins on the floor.