Lecture and workshop at CICUS (Centro de Iniciativas Culturales de la Universidad de Sevilla) 4 - 7 Feb
Participation in JIAAP III (Jornadas Internacionales de Arte de Acción del Pumarejo) festival in Galería Weber-Lutgen, Seville, Spain
8 - 10 Feb 2013
The gallery has a U form and has two entrances, or two exits, whatever way you see it. I attached tape with the sticking side outwards from one entrance to the other and attached tape in the same way around my face. My action was to roll my face along the tape attached to the wall from one door to the other. In the end I cut the tape to free me.
Video edit of Maria AA here
Participation in JIAAP III (Jornadas Internacionales de Arte de Acción del Pumarejo) festival in Galería Weber-Lutgen, Seville, Spain
8 - 10 Feb 2013
The gallery has a U form and has two entrances, or two exits, whatever way you see it. I attached tape with the sticking side outwards from one entrance to the other and attached tape in the same way around my face. My action was to roll my face along the tape attached to the wall from one door to the other. In the end I cut the tape to free me.
Video edit of Maria AA here