At the opening of the Laru environmental art exhibition
Lauttasaari, Helsinki
30 August 2014
Place: a wonderful flat rock of ca. 6 m diameter.
I walked around in circles clockwise for a while, holding my t-shirt up with a load of sand in it.
When audience came I took a cup and filled it with seawater and drank to fill my mouth.
I threw the sand gently on a spot on the periphery and scribbled some unreadable signs in the sand.
I spat the water on the sand, thereby deleting the scribbled signs and in the process creating new signs.
I went to the center and reached in my pocket for a stack of playing cards.
I shuffled the cards but they fell on the ground.
I taped the cards on the rock, all but one. The joker I picked up and put it back in my pocket.
Lauttasaari, Helsinki
30 August 2014
Place: a wonderful flat rock of ca. 6 m diameter.
I walked around in circles clockwise for a while, holding my t-shirt up with a load of sand in it.
When audience came I took a cup and filled it with seawater and drank to fill my mouth.
I threw the sand gently on a spot on the periphery and scribbled some unreadable signs in the sand.
I spat the water on the sand, thereby deleting the scribbled signs and in the process creating new signs.
I went to the center and reached in my pocket for a stack of playing cards.
I shuffled the cards but they fell on the ground.
I taped the cards on the rock, all but one. The joker I picked up and put it back in my pocket.