Here you will find only documentation of live performances.
The quality of the videos cannot be anything else as poor, even as the makers took great care to edit the videos and make them in that way digestible.
To present good quality videos of performances I collaborated with Tomasz Szrama during three weeks of explosive creativity in August/September 2012.
Those results you can find on the Not Ready Yet site or here under the heading Not Ready Yet
Some of the videos have been chosen for different exhibitions:
The lying on the floor, abandoned to lie , Künstlerforum, Bonn, Germany 27 Feb - 22 Mar 2015: "0"
Performance Voyage 5, selected after an open call for performance videos of international artists on the theme Domestic, by MUU Finnish artists association, screened in 14 countries around Europe, Canada and Haiti 2015/2016: "Chair" and "Framed"
Performance Voyage 6, selected after an open call for performance videos of international artists on the theme Future/Tomorrow, by MUU Finnish artists association, will be screened around the world 2016: "0"
The quality of the videos cannot be anything else as poor, even as the makers took great care to edit the videos and make them in that way digestible.
To present good quality videos of performances I collaborated with Tomasz Szrama during three weeks of explosive creativity in August/September 2012.
Those results you can find on the Not Ready Yet site or here under the heading Not Ready Yet
Some of the videos have been chosen for different exhibitions:
The lying on the floor, abandoned to lie , Künstlerforum, Bonn, Germany 27 Feb - 22 Mar 2015: "0"
Performance Voyage 5, selected after an open call for performance videos of international artists on the theme Domestic, by MUU Finnish artists association, screened in 14 countries around Europe, Canada and Haiti 2015/2016: "Chair" and "Framed"
Performance Voyage 6, selected after an open call for performance videos of international artists on the theme Future/Tomorrow, by MUU Finnish artists association, will be screened around the world 2016: "0"
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